Saturday 20 October 2012

Andai Aku Menjadi Ketua KPK

Banggakah kita dengan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia?? Tentunya kita bangga menjadi bagian dari negeri yang kaya ini, tetapi akankah kita rela melihat tikus perampok negara berkeliaran??
Saat ini korupsi itu kebiasaan berjamaah. Tidak korupsi tidak punya gigi dipemerintahan. Apa yang terjadi terhadap mereka yang jujur?? mereka malah disingkirkan karena dianggap “sok”.

Andai saya jadi ketua KPK?? Hemmm tentunya ini pengandaian  yang luar biasa karena berandai andai demi kepentingan Bangsa Indonesia

Jika saya terpilih menjadi ketua KPK pertama saya sendiri bersih dari pikiran korupsi dulu ... karena kalo jadi ketua KPK  korupsi lantas siapa yang mau memberantas korupsi di negeri ini. Kemudian berniat untuk menyelamatkan negara bukan mencari uang. Selanjutnya mencari anggota KPK yang memang berjuang untuk menegakkan hukum bagi tikus perampok negara.

Terus gimana membasminya??
1.      Melakukan tidakan tegas dan hukum yang jelas pada pelaku koruptor
2.      Melakukan pemiskinan untuk efek jera dan menjadikan yangbangsa ini takut untuk melakukan korupsi.
3.      Melakukan investigasi tidak hanya dipusat tetapi sampai pemerintah bawah
4.      Memberikan perlindungan terhadap pelapor tindak korupsi

Membasmi tikus perampok negara ini tidak mudah, tetapi kerjasama semua pihak yang mengetahui tentang adanya korupsi akan sangat membantu saya dalam menegakkan hukum. Mungkin bagi koruptor yang bersedia mengaku ataupun menjawab siapa saja yang terlibat bisa diberikan keringanan karena mereka meringankan beban bangsa kita dalam mengejar yang lain.

Lalu langkah untuk mencegah korupsi saya akan melakukan :
1.      Saya akan bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah khususnya Dinas Pendidikan untuk segera merealisasikan menanamkan nasionalme dan karakter bangsa karena belum semua sekolah menerapkannya serta menambah waktu pembelajaran Agama
2.      Pengetahuan Keagamaan dan Nasionalisme terhadap pendidikan informal (dirumah) karena waktu dirumah anak lebih panjang daripada disekolah melalui pendidikan luar sekolah

Mengapa harus pendidikan?? Karena menanamkan akhlak dan moral tidak bisa instan. Mereka yang berilmu cukup masih bisa “diiming-imingi” uang, tetapi berbekal moral,  akhlak dan jiwa nasionalisme akan menjadikan generasi penerus bangsa yang baik.

Thursday 19 July 2012


My goal after high school in 2008 was accepted to the school of land. However, may the Alloh give me another road with my failure in the selection phase II until S1 Teacher  Early Childhood Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Year college in early childhood education track makes me dream that I want to establish a school. Schools were actually for me it was not possible because of the cost of expensive establishment. My father just the driver and my mom is a primary school teacher, so it is not possible to do.
Every year passed after another, many lecturers have inspired me to be a teacher. Until one day a teacher tells an interesting school of my heart, namely Sekolah Alam Surya Alam Mentari in Laweyan Solo. I loomed exciting school at the time, because I have not view. Until finally at the beginning of the semester VII, in July 2011 with the support of my family I set up an early childhood school with the name of Surya Pelangi Alam or I and friends often call ECD SPA with minimum investment.
The game is very minimal, with open spaces for socialization ECD holding me this SPA. The first pupil in the first week only 6 children. What do I have that time can not be called a school. A little lucky, because I had "frills" student SI PG-ECD UMS, finally pupil to 15 children.
October 2011 my research in the School of Natural chance I always imagine what it is there. Was amazed, seeing unique buildings and classrooms in the form of huts were beautiful and comfortable. My research material for the thesis that the theme outbound because it featured learning adventurnya there is activity.
Although the name that inspires me, I am more like again with the headmaster. Wise and authoritative is Mrs. Muslimah ZAA. Broad patterns of thought which makes me very amazed. And one sentence that I remember from him was when we visited a school and would like to practice in your school, then do not directly practiced the same as it is, change it to suit the character of your school work until we do not violate them. Those words would I save it as a lesson I as the founder of a school.
SPA early childhood I developed with my mother and mother Nurhayati Wulandari. For me they are the unsung heroes. Learners who are 15 children, making me only able to pay the pickup. Twentieth five thousand per month in tahun2011-2012. Indeed, they are my best friends who helped me to realize my dream berjuan that founded the school of nature.
December 2011 on aid UPTD Selogiri and the Department of Education District of Wonogiri ECD SPA  opportunity to receive funds from the Budget Tool Educational Games revised state budget in 2011 a number of eight million dollars. This situation really helped me to buy more equipment. It is the belief that government has helped me, so I had to optimize learning in early childhood SPA.
Now already one year running, I will continue to fight for what I had pioneered. Being a teacher play group was fun and I love my job. This year, in September 2012 I will achieve my undergraduate degree as an educator.
Ideals that dream, and my dream now want to raise ECD SPA. God's plan and I will come greet him.